La Lockboard de Max et Léa : test et avis d’une petite crapule

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Pour occuper nos loulous le soir en rentrant de la crèche, pendant qu’on prépare le repas, ou lors d’un week-end pluvieux, il faut avouer qu’on manque parfois d’inspiration ! Vous souhaitez éviter à tout prix les écrans et les jeux et jouets en plastique ? Vous préférez les jouets éducatifs écologiques ? Si c’est le cas, la Lockboard de Max et Léa va sans doute vous plaire ! Depuis plusieurs mois, cette planche d’activités à verrous très complète fait partie des jeux préférés de ma fille de deux ans et demi.

Qu’est-ce qu’une Lockboard Max et Léa?

À quoi ressemble cette Lockboard ?

La Lockboard ou planche à verrous est une planche d’activités en bois composée de 12 activités inspirées de la pédagogie Montessori :

  • 7 niveaux de verrous
  • 2 éléments encastrables de type puzzle
  • 1 engrenage sous forme d’horloge
  • 2 éléments à glisser 

La Lockboard de Max et Léa a la forme d’une maison avec plusieurs portes et fenêtres. Les portes et fenêtres de ce jouet éducatif sont toutes peintes d’une couleur différente. Une horloge à engrenage, et un soleil et un nuage encastrables se trouvent au-dessus de la maison. Un petit lapin et un petit hérisson à glisser se situent en bas de la maison. 

Le but du jeu ? Faire preuve d’habileté et de déduction pour déverrouiller toutes ces portes et fenêtres pour découvrir quels membres de la famille ou quels animaux se cachent derrière. 

Ce jeu d’éveil et de motricité propose différents types de verrous. Ces verrous sont de niveaux différents, ainsi plus votre enfant grandit plus il peut ouvrir de verrous. Cette planche d’activités est utilisable par les jeunes enfants dès 2 ans et jusqu’à 6 ans

La Lockboard de Max et Léa est idéale pour les petites mains puisqu’elle mesure 46.5 cm de long et 36 cm de large, pour un poids de 1,4 kg. Ma fille y joue depuis ses deux ans et elle n’a jamais eu de mal à la transporter. Du canapé au tapis de jeu, de son lit à la table du salon, aucun problème pour la déplacer !

A quoi sert la Lockboard de Max et Léa ?

Plus qu’un simple jouet, la Lockboard de Max et Léa est un vrai jeu éducatif sollicitant, entre autres, la réflexion, la motricité fine et la patience des enfants. Au fil des mois, j’ai observé et j’observe encore ma fille progresser à tous ces niveaux. 

Encourager le développement cognitif de son enfant

Un verrou à bouton, un verrou à loquet ou encore un verrou à cadenas, l’ouverture de toutes les portes et fenêtres demande de la concentration, de la réflexion et de la déduction. Cette planche d’activités est idéale pour attiser la curiosité de son enfant et l’amener à pousser sa réflexion pour résoudre le problème. Le tout en s’amusant !

Développer la coordination main-oeil

La planche d’activités à verrous de Max & Léa est en quelque sorte un casse-tête que votre enfant doit résoudre. Comment ouvrir les verrous pour apercevoir les membres de la famille qui se cachent derrière ? Pour y parvenir, votre enfant observe et tire des conclusions de ses observations. Cette expérimentation est possible grâce au développement de sa coordination main-œil. Cette étape du développement est non seulement essentielle pour résoudre un casse-tête mais également pour réussir toutes les activités du quotidien : porter la nourriture à sa bouche, attraper un ballon, écrire, dessiner, ou encore manipuler différents objets. 

Enfant en train de jouer à la Lockboard Max et Léa

Encourager son enfant à être patient 

On ne peut pas dire que la patience est un des points forts de nos bout’chou ! À la moindre difficulté pour mettre ses chaussures ou fermer sa veste, ma fille a tendance à tout envoyer valser ! L’un des points positifs de cette planche à verrous est qu’elle lui apprend à être (un peu) plus patiente.

Durant les premières semaines d’utilisation, quand un verrou était récalcitrant elle perdait vite patience et s’énervait. Aujourd’hui, elle prend son temps et essaye de comprendre pourquoi le verrou ne s’ouvre pas. À deux ans et demi, elle est même capable d’ouvrir le verrou avec le petit cadenas. Pas toujours du premier coup, mais elle essaye plusieurs fois, tourne la clé dans un sens puis dans l’autre, ou essaye l’autre clé jusqu’à ce qu’elle réussisse !

Apprendre tout en s’amusant

Mon conjoint et moi-même sommes d’accord pour dire que la Lockboard de Max et Léa est un jeu éducatif très bien pensé et idéal pour faire progresser son enfant sans que celui-ci s’en aperçoive. Ma fille aime beaucoup les jeux de rôle et s’amuse souvent à nous imiter. Elle aime échanger les rôles même lorsqu’on joue avec la Lockboard. Je dois faire semblant de ne pas réussir à ouvrir un verrou et elle me montre comment faire. Nous vivons un réel moment de partage et de rire !

Développer la motricité fine

Les verrous fixés sur la Lockboard sont des verrous à taille réelle. Ce ne sont pas des verrous surdimensionnés pour faciliter le travail de nos petites crapules ! Ainsi, les enfants peuvent manipuler et s’entraîner à ouvrir des verrous qu’ils rencontreront plus tard dans la vie quotidienne.

Pour ouvrir les verrous, il est nécessaire d’avoir une motricité fine et une dextérité assez développée, d’où l’âge de début d’utilisation conseillé de deux ans. Mais les enfants apprennent vite. Au bout de quelques semaines d’utilisation, ma fille a fait de gros progrès en termes de motricité fine. Bien qu’elle sache ouvrir tous les verrous, elle ne se lasse pas d’y jouer.

Max et Léa, une marque française

Contrairement à une grande majorité de jouets, la Lockboard de Max et Léa, comme tous les jouets de la marque, est de conception française. La marque Max et Léa est née de l’idée de deux amis d’enfance (Ludovic et Pierre-Charles) soucieux de la protection de l’environnement et du développement des enfants. Ces deux comparses ont donc créé une marque de jouets en bois à la fois sains et éducatifs. 

En plus de proposer des jouets de qualité, cette marque repose sur des valeurs importantes :

  • Aucun plastique n’est présent dans tous les jouets de la marque ;
  • Des arbres sont plantés chaque année en partenariat avec ReforestAction ;
  • Elle offre des jouets aux enfants défavorisés en partenariat avec Emmaüs.

Enfin, la Lockboard, comme tous les jouets de la marque, a des finitions de qualité. Les angles sont arrondis et les côtés sont lisses. Ma fille qui adore mettre tous ces jouets à la bouche ne risque pas de se blesser avec celui-ci ! 

Mon avis sur la Lockboard de Max et Léa

Je pense que vous l’avez compris mais ma fille et moi-même sommes entièrement satisfaites de ce jeu éducatif. En effet, difficile de lui trouver des points négatifs… Si je devais en donner tout de même un, je dirais que le petit cadenas est difficile à refermer. Une fois ouvert, ma fille ne peut pas le refermer seule. Mais ceci n’est qu’un détail puisqu’on y joue souvent ensemble, je peux donc le faire pour elle. 

Mis à part le détail du cadenas, cette planche d’activités complète n’a, à mon sens, que des points positifs. 

Par ailleurs, j’ai eu l’occasion de tester une autre planche d’activités qui avait été offerte à la petite cousine de ma fille. Cette planche était celle de la marque Melissa & Doug. Grâce à cet élément de comparaison, je peux dire que la Lockboard de Max et Léa est beaucoup plus qualitative. Contrairement à celle de Melissa & Doug, les verrous de la Lockboard ne se bloquent pas. Ces derniers sont de qualité et sont correctement posés. Son prix légèrement plus élevé est donc justifié !

Personnages derrière une des fenêtre de la Lockboard Max et Léa

En ce moment, avec ma fille, nous travaillons beaucoup sur l’apprentissage des couleurs. Or cette planche d’activités à verrous est parfaite pour ce genre d’apprentissage car les couleurs sont pétillantes sans être criardes, contrairement à d’autres planches d’activités. 

Enfin, entre les verrous à ouvrir et à refermer, les éléments à encastrer et l’engrenage de l’horloge, la Lockboard est un des jeux avec lequel ma fille reste occupée le plus longtemps. En plus de prendre du plaisir à y jouer, elle gagne également en autonomie ! Elle y joue au moins une fois par jour alors que ça fait déjà plusieurs mois qu’elle l’a. Bref, elle ne s’en lasse pas !

En guise de conclusion

Si vous souhaitez offrir à votre enfant ou à une autre petite crapule de votre entourage un jeu éducatif, évolutif et écologique, vous êtes certain de faire le bon choix en optant pour le Lockboard de Max et Léa ! Je suis vraiment satisfaite de cette planche d’activités à verrous et ma fille aussi. Du montage des verrous au graphisme, tout est très bien pensé. On voit que ce jeu a été créé par des parents soucieux de la qualité de leurs produits.

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Delphine RIBLET
Bonjour ! Je suis Delphine, maman de deux petites filles. Gouvernante en hôtellerie de luxe pendant presque 10 ans, j'ai décidé de changer de voie à la naissance de mon aînée. J'ai toujours beaucoup aimé écrire et m'informer sur différents sujets. Me reconvertir en rédaction web était donc une évidence ! Devenir maman a changé beaucoup de choses dans ma vie et c'est aujourd'hui une joie de concilier travail et plaisir. L'allaitement, le portage, la motricité, la diversification, la grossesse, ou encore le sommeil, sont autant de sujets qui me sont chers et sur lesquels j'aime écrire. C'est avec une immense joie que je partage avec vous mon expérience et mes découvertes à travers Petite Crapule.

0 réflexion au sujet de « La Lockboard de Max et Léa : test et avis d’une petite crapule »

  1. For those who admire the attraction of luxury bags but shudder at the hefty cost, imitation purses offer an enticing option. This article unravels the secrets of the imitation handbag industry, showcasing its draw to fashion enthusiasts and high-end admirers alike. From grasping what replica handbags are to tips for making wise buys, we’ll cover everything you want to learn to enjoy in elegance without ruining the wallet.
    Imitation bags represent premium copies resembling designer purses, crafted to closely closely mimic the authentic versions. While they may not carry an authentic brand logo, such replicas typically mirror the style, materials, and craftsmanship of with their much expensive originals.

    Excellence & Craftsmanship

    Opposite in common opinion, many fake bags are being created with careful focus to detail. Expert artisans use premium materials to ensure the fact that the replicas have the similar appearance and texture as the original luxury products.

    Availability and Variety

    for. at.Ethical Considerations

    Although knockoff bags provide an cost-effective way to experience high-end style, it is important to recognize recognize the ethical consequences. The and sale of replica replica bags may infringe against intellectual property, bringing up questions concerning the morality ethics of purchasing acquiring and possessing these items.Access to Luxury Designs

    Why Select Fake Purses?

    Knockoff purses have a notable fan base amongst fashion enthusiasts aficionados for many convincing justifications. In this article, we explore discuss why these such trendy alternatives have grown become so popular favored.


    Among the key clear pros of fake purses is. Premium fakes can provide the same stylistic pleasure as genuine genuine designer bags without the exorbitant high price.

    Imitation purses make this feasible for style enthusiasts toward enjoy the latest luxury designs, irrespective to financial constraints. Such accessibility permits more individuals to engage with high couture to showcase one’s fashion.Experimentation Without Commitment

    For those who who enjoy experimenting various different styles replica offer a way a way new styles trends without monetary financial. Such versatility is appealing appealing for fashion-forward who love to switch up their their looks.To recognize Identify the Top-Quality Replica Bagplica bags.

    Exploring the imitation bag market can be tricky, but armed with proper right knowledge, you can easily make wise purchases. Below are some tips for identifying high-quality reproduction bags

    Material and Stitching

    Pay close attention to the materials used and the quality of the stitching. High-quality replicas often use genuine leather or premium synthetic alternatives and exhibit clean, precise stitching.

    Machinery & Information

    Check the components, like closures, clips, and logos. Premium copies feature components that closely mimics that of the original luxury bags, with no jagged edges or sloppily finished features.

    Though imitation handbags can’t legitimately use the identical trademark of the authentic ones, certain may include minor markings that imitate the design features of high-end names. Search for these details to determine the accuracy of the replica.Popular Replica Bag Brands

    Specific brands are well-known renowned for their top-quality imitations, providing fashion aficionados an diverse range of trendy choices. Here, we highlight several of the most most well-liked copy purse brands.

    AAA Bags Purses is recognized for producing crafting a few of the top replicas out there. Their bags boast exceptional care to meticulousness and, which makes them a favorite amongst copy fans.

    Purse Products provides a wide range of copy purses, like designs influenced by top top luxury names. With a focus on quality and superiority and customer shopper happiness, they’ve built built a strong name in the replica purse market.

    Discreet Designer Bags concentrates on creating premium replicas that closely almost resemble the originals. Their lineup lineup features purses from famous fashion houses, providing clothing enthusiasts with many many options.

    A Skill in Enhancing Imitation Purses

    Replica bags can seamlessly integrate into any collection, allowing you to compose chic and fashionable outfits. Here are some hints for adding replica handbags into your wardrobe repertoire.Handling with Care

    Pairing alongside Traditional Outfits

    A classic outfit, such as a LBD or a fitted costume, can be improved with a carefully selected imitation bag. Select timeless designs that complement your outfit and inject a touch of sophistication.

    Blending Haute and Casual Wear

    Match top-notch fake purses alongside low-cost style pieces to create a well-rounded and trendy look. This strategy permits you to display your fashion while remaining frugal.

    Embellishing using Assurance

    When matching fake handbags, confidence is key. Manage your fake bag with consideration and respect as you would a genuine branded piece, and it will boost your overall appearance.

    Maintaining the Replica Purse

    Appropriate attention and upkeep are necessary to keep your imitation bag being its finest. Follow these advice to maintain its longevity.

    Regular Maintenance

    Clean your imitation bag consistently with a soft cloth and gentle cleaning solution. Avoid abrasive substances that can ruin the surface or color.

    Storing Suggestions

    Store your replica purse in a chilly, arid area, distant from direct sun. Employ dust covers or soft cloths to shield it from dust and scuffs.

    Treat the replica purse with, avoiding rough surfaces and overloading. It will assist maintain the form while also preventing any damage.

    Imitation bags offer a affordable alternative to luxury designer pieces without compromising style and quality. By using right fashion styling & maintenance, they could effortlessly integrate in any any style closet, making them a favored option for fashion lovers. Regardless if you are looking for the classic design or a fashionable statement item, there are numerous reputable imitation bag labels that offer high-quality choices to fit any taste. Therefore feel free to add several chic imitations to your own wardrobe – no one will be able to tell a variation.The Social Aspect of Replica Bags

    Treat your own imitation purse with proper attention, by avoiding overburdening it with weighty objects. Doing so can assist maintain the shape and prevent wearing & tearing.

    Fake bags aren’t just about fashion; they also encourage a feeling of camaraderie amongst enthusiasts. In this article, we explore the social aspects of owning and discussing replica handbags.Online Communities

    Many online networks and discussion boards are dedicated to discussing copy handbags, in which aficionados exchange advice, reviews, as well as tips. Such sites offer valuable insight and guidance to individuals entering the copy marketplace.In-Person Meetups

    Some replica handbag lovers organize face-to-face gatherings to display their collections as well as talk about their love for fashion. These gatherings provide chances to connect with like-minded people and exchange thoughts.Influencers and Reviews

    Bloggers and bloggers often review fake bags, offering honest feedback as well as contrasts with authentic brand-name pieces. Reading these evaluations could help you make well-informed choices regarding one’s purchases.Legal and Ethical Considerations

    Understanding the legal along with principled aspects regarding acquiring fake handbags is crucial for making educated selections. Here, we address some common worries.Intellectual Property Rights

    Fake purses may infringe upon the creative rights assets of premium labels. Be mindful of the lawful implications and likely risks linked to purchasing and having replicas.Ethical Shopping

    Think about the moral implications of supporting the knockoff bag industry. Although it offers affordable options, it may also lead to exploitative work practices and ecological concerns.Making Informed Choices

    Forthcoming Developments within Knockoff Handbags

    The replica bag sector is constantly constantly changing, with new trends and advancements emerging. In this article, we examine some potential future advancements.

    Sustainable ResourcesConclusion

    As eco-friendliness grows as a growing issue, the replica bag industry could move in the direction of utilizing green materials. This transition might appeal to environmentally conscious customers and reduce the sector’s environmental impact.

    Advanced Tech

    Progress in innovation, like 3D printing, might transform the production of copy purses. These innovations may lead to even superior imitations that are hard to tell apart from the real ones.

    Evolving Customer Attitudes

    Consumer attitudes towards imitation bags may persist to evolve, with more embrace and appreciation for better replicas. This shift could drive interest and shape industry patterns.

    Replica bags offer a stylish and affordable alternative for fashion enthusiasts and luxury lovers. By understanding the intricacies of the replica bag market, you can make informed choices and enjoy the benefits of high-quality imitations. Whether you’re drawn to the affordability, variety, or the ability to experiment with different styles, replica bags provide a gateway to the world of luxury fashion*.

    Ready to explore the world of replica bags? Join our community of fashion enthusiasts and start your stylish journey today!

  2. For individuals who love the allure of designer bags but shudder at the exorbitant price tags, replica bags provide an enticing alternative. This article unravels the secrets of the fake handbag industry, highlighting its appeal to style lovers and designer lovers alike. From comprehending what fake handbags are to advice for making smart purchases, we’ll cover everything you require to learn to revel in style without breaking the budget.
    Imitation handbags represent high-quality copies of luxury handbags, crafted to meticulously mimic their originals. Although these bags may not carry the official label logo, such replicas typically mirror the design, fabric, and craftsmanship as with their more expensive counterparts.
    Excellence & Artistry

    Contrary in popular opinion, many replica bags are being made with meticulous focus to detail. Skilled artisans utilize high-quality materials to ensure the fact that the fakes possess the similar appearance and texture to the authentic designer items.

    Availability and Variety

    offering. designs.Ethical Considerations

    While fake bags offer a budget-friendly way to enjoy luxury style, it is essential to acknowledge acknowledge the ethical implications. The production and of fake fake purses might violate on intellectual property rights, bringing up questions concerning the ethics morality of owning purchasing and owning possessing them.Access to Luxury Designs

    Why Opt for Fake Bags?

    Knockoff bags have garnered a significant notable following within style enthusiasts for various strong arguments. Here, we discuss examine why such these chic choices have become so favored popular.


    Among the key clear advantages of fake knockoff purses is their. Well-made replicas may give the equivalent aesthetic enjoyment as genuine genuine branded bags without incurring the exorbitant exorbitant cost.

    Replica purses make it possible so style lovers to enjoy the newest high-end designs, irrespective of budget constraints. Such availability permits additional people toward engage in haute fashion and showcase one’s style.Experimentation Without Commitment

    For whom experiment with experimenting with fashion styles, replica offer offer to try out to try out various without significant financial investment. This versatility is especially attractive to fashionable for fashion-forward who love to switch up their ..How to Identify a Top-Quality Replica Bagplica bags.

    Exploring this replica bag industry can be challenging, but with the correct knowledge, you can easily make smart purchases. Below exist several suggestions on identifying high-quality reproduction bags

    Material and Stitching

    Pay close attention to the materials used and the quality of the stitching. High-quality replicas often use genuine leather or premium synthetic alternatives and exhibit clean, precise stitching.

    Equipment and Details

    Check the components, like zippers, clasps, and emblems. Premium copies feature components that closely resembles that of the genuine designer bags, with without coarse edges or poorly finished aspects.

    Though imitation purses cannot legally utilize the identical logo of the authentic ones, a few might include subtle markings that mimic the design features of premium labels. Search for these details to assess the authenticity of the replica.Popular Replica Bag Brands

    Specific labels are well-known known for premium replicas, giving style fans an varied range of stylish trendy choices. In this section, we highlight several of the top sought-after replica handbag names.

    AAA Purses is for making producing some the best copies available. Their products items boast exceptional focus to detail and quality, which makes them them among replica lovers.

    Purse Valley Products sells a broad variety of replica handbags, like designs influenced by top luxury labels. With excellence and excellence and customer contentment, they’ve have created a reputable name in the replica purse community.

    Designer Discreet Discreet concentrates on making premium copies that closely mimic the originals. Their lineup lineup features purses from legendary fashion houses, giving style aficionados with ample ample choices.

    A Skill in Designing Imitation Purses

    Imitation handbags can seamlessly merge into any wardrobe, allowing you to create stylish and stylish ensembles. Here are some hints for incorporating imitation bags into your wardrobe repertoire.Handling with Care

    Combining against Classic Ensembles

    A traditional outfit, such as a little black dress or a fitted costume, can be enhanced with a well-chosen replica bag. Select classic styles that enhance your attire and inject a hint of sophistication.

    Mixing Haute plus Casual Wear

    Combine high-quality imitation purses with affordable fashion items to create a well-rounded and stylish appearance. This approach enables you to showcase your style at the same time being frugal.

    Accessorizing with Poise

    When pairing fake handbags, poise is key. Treat your imitation purse with care and respect as you would a genuine designer piece, and it will enhance your complete look.

    Caring for Replica Handbag

    Proper care and maintenance are critical to ensure your replica bag appearing its finest. Follow these hints to guarantee its durability.

    Routine Cleaning

    Clean your replica handbag consistently with a mild fabric and mild cleaning solution. Steer clear of strong substances that can damage the fabric or hue.

    Storage Hints

    Store your imitation bag in a chilly, dry location, away from direct light. Employ dust covers or mild materials to shield it from particles and abrasions.

    Treat the replica bag carefully, keeping away from rough surfaces and overloading. It will assist preserve the shape and preventing potential damage.

    Replica purses provide a budget-friendly alternative to designer designer items without having to sacrificing fashion or quality. With right styling & maintenance, they can seamlessly blend into every fashion wardrobe, making them the popular option for fashion lovers. Regardless if you are looking for the timeless look & a trendy statement-making piece, there’re numerous well-known imitation purse labels which offer high-quality options to suit every taste. So feel free and add some chic imitations to your own collection – no one will be able to tell the variation.The Social Aspect of Replica Bags

    Handle your own replica purse with care, avoiding overloading it with with heavy items. Doing so will help preserve the form and avoid wearing and tear.

    Replica handbags are not concerning style; these additionally encourage an sense regarding camaraderie among enthusiasts. Here, you examine some social aspects regarding owning as well as discussing fake handbags.Online Communities

    Several digital networks and discussion boards are devoted to the topic of imitation bags, where enthusiasts exchange tips, evaluations, and suggestions. Such sites offer helpful insights and support to those exploring the replica market.In-Person Meetups

    Certain imitation handbag lovers organize in-person gatherings in order to display their collections as well as talk about their love for fashion. Such meetings provide chances to connect with similar individuals and exchange ideas.Influencers and Reviews

    Influencers as well as influencers frequently evaluate replica handbags, offering honest feedback as well as contrasts with authentic designer items. Reading these evaluations can assist you make informed decisions regarding one’s purchases.Legal and Ethical Considerations

    Understanding the statutory as well as moral elements concerning purchasing fake purses is crucial for making informed choices. Here, we tackle some common concerns.Intellectual Property Rights

    Imitation bags can violate upon the intellectual ownership rights of luxury labels. Be aware of the lawful consequences and potential hazards linked with buying and possessing replicas.Ethical Shopping

    Think about the moral consequences of endorsing the replica bag market. While it provides affordable alternatives, it might also lead to unfair work practices and ecological issues.Making Informed Choices

    Upcoming Developments in Replica Bags

    The imitation bag industry is continuously continually changing, with novel trends and advancements emerging. In this article, we explore some possible upcoming developments.

    Sustainable ComponentsConclusion

    Since sustainability becomes a rising concern, the replica handbag field might transition in the direction of using green components. This shift might attract to environmentally conscious consumers and decrease the field’s eco-impact.

    Cutting-edge Innovation

    Advancements in technology, for example three-dimensional printing, might revolutionize the manufacturing of replica handbags. These advancements could result in even superior copies that are challenging to identify from the originals.

    Evolving Customer Views

    Customer attitudes towards imitation purses might keep to shift, with greater acceptance and appreciation for better copies. This shift could boost demand and shape industry trends.

    Replica bags offer a stylish and affordable alternative for fashion enthusiasts and luxury lovers. By understanding the intricacies of the replica bag market, you can make informed choices and enjoy the benefits of high-quality imitations. Whether you’re drawn to the affordability, variety, or the ability to experiment with different styles, replica bags provide a gateway to the world of luxury fashion*.

    Ready to explore the world of replica bags? Join our community of fashion enthusiasts and start your stylish journey today!


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